I got this data from IMF, and this database contains selected macroeconomic data series from the statistical appendix of the World Economic Outlook report.
Use this database to find data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, fiscal indicators, trade for countries and country groups (aggregates), and commodity prices whose data are reported by the IMF.
Data are available from 1980 to the present, and projections are given for the next two years. Additionally, medium-term projections are available for selected indicators. For some countries, data are incomplete or unavailable for certain years.
To view the example of this data download here
Changes to the April 2008 Database
* Country weights used to construct aggregate data for groups of countries were revised to
incorporate updated PPP exchange rates released by the World Bank.
* Data is now available through 2013 for selected indicators.
* On January 1, 2008, Cyprus and Malta joined the euro area. Additionally, Malta is now
included in the advanced economies group.
* Data for the Republic of Montenegro are now included.
* Other emerging market and developing countries has been renamed Emerging and
developing economies.
* ASEAN-5 replaces ASEAN-4 with the addition of Vietnam.
* Zimbabwe has been excluded from aggregated country group data.
* Commodity price indices have been revised, and are now constructed using updated weights
based on 2002-04 world trade data and a new base year of 2005. Please see the Energy
and Commodities Surveillance Unit website for more details.
Source: IMF
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