
Food Prices and Inflation in Developing Asia - Is Poverty Reduction Coming to an End?

Food prices have increased sharply since mid-2007 and accelerated alarmingly in early 2008. Rice and wheat prices have spiked at levels not seen in over three decades. This threatens to exacerbate poverty in developing Asia by reducing the real incomes of the already poor, while pushing many others below the poverty line. The report proposes appropriate policy responses to the challenge of food price inflation in order to avoid the reversal of the gains in poverty reduction in the region. This Special Report was prepared by a team from the Economics and Research Department (ERD) and represents ERD staff views.

View this report from the source www.adb.org

Friday 13th not more unlucky

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Unlucky for some? Dutch statisticians have established that Friday 13th, a date regarded in many countries as inauspicious, is actually safer than an average Friday.

A study published on Thursday by the Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistics (CVS) showed that fewer accidents and reports of fire and theft occur when the 13th of the month falls on a Friday than on other Fridays.

"I find it hard to believe that it is because people are preventatively more careful or just stay home, but statistically speaking, driving is a little bit safer on Friday 13th," CVS statistician Alex Hoen told the Verzekerd insurance magazine.

In the last two years, Dutch insurers received reports of an average 7,800 traffic accidents each Friday, the CVS study said. But the average figure when the 13th fell on a Friday was just 7,500.

There were also fewer incidents of fire and theft, although the average value of losses on Fridays 13th was slightly higher.

(Reporting by Tineke van der Struik; Editing by Catherine Evans)

World Economic and Financial Surveys

I got this data from IMF, and this database contains selected macroeconomic data series from the statistical appendix of the World Economic Outlook report.

Use this database to find data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, fiscal indicators, trade for countries and country groups (aggregates), and commodity prices whose data are reported by the IMF.

Data are available from 1980 to the present, and projections are given for the next two years. Additionally, medium-term projections are available for selected indicators. For some countries, data are incomplete or unavailable for certain years.

To view the example of this data download here

Changes to the April 2008 Database

* Country weights used to construct aggregate data for groups of countries were revised to
incorporate updated PPP exchange rates released by the World Bank.
* Data is now available through 2013 for selected indicators.
* On January 1, 2008, Cyprus and Malta joined the euro area. Additionally, Malta is now
included in the advanced economies group.
* Data for the Republic of Montenegro are now included.
* Other emerging market and developing countries has been renamed Emerging and
developing economies.
* ASEAN-5 replaces ASEAN-4 with the addition of Vietnam.
* Zimbabwe has been excluded from aggregated country group data.
* Commodity price indices have been revised, and are now constructed using updated weights
based on 2002-04 world trade data and a new base year of 2005. Please see the Energy
and Commodities Surveillance Unit website for more details.

Source: IMF

My Experience on Domain Auction

I just want to continue my story on how to buy domain through domain auction.This post which about my experience on domain auction. It began when I bid a domain with PR4 and medium link popularity but low traffic. I bid for $10 and will ended until 7 days again. But few hours before ended, I still saw that I'm the highest bidder, but after 2 or 3 hours before ended, there is a bid from another bidder so then I bid again but what makes me confuse is few second after I click to confirm my bid suddenly I'm not the highest bidder anymore then the value of that domain raised from $10 of my bid to $45 at 1 hour 21 minutes before ended. Now, I'm very confuse about this method, after I'm waiting for almost 7 days then suddenly I lose that domain auction without known anything who's the winner. Just that of my question, maybe I will continue this post later...just drop to post this and.... looking for domain again....domain search mode ON

Where do I do a domain auctions to start my online earning?

Usually if you want to start you online business i.e paid review blog or parked domain, you can buy expired or close out domains with enough Page rank and traffic. These domains can be buy at TDNam, another place to buy domains are at www.freshdrop.net and www.dopedomains.com. Last two websites are collect data from TDNam. Usually you are invited to bid a domain on an auction for a particular time given. In TDNam, the lowest given price for first bid is usually $10 for an expires domain and $5 for closeout domain where you can directly buy this closeout domain.
Another way to buy a domain with high Page Rank and traffic is at forums. I like to visit forums like Digital Point and Namepros to watch a domain auction.
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