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10 Adsense Tips from the Desk of: Roy Oron & Maayan Marzan

few months ago, I just had downloaded an e-book with title "10 Powerful Secrets to Make Money With Adsense!" by Roy Oron & Maayan Marzan
This e-book explain 10 tips to make money by Adsense. Here are the 10 tips :

1: Forget About Perfect Markets.
2: Quantity Outweighs Quality
3: This is business. It is not playtime.
4: Target your pages to Keyword Phrases
5: Use Relevant Content Related To the Theme
6: Use Fewer Links
7: The Fewer Ads the Better
8: Sell the Click…Carefully and Creatively
9: Avoid the "Advertise on this site" Program
10: Get Indexed in The Search Engines.

To know more about this e-book you can download here

East Asian FTAs in services - POLICY RESEARCH PAPER

Today, still post from source of World Bank due to my economy research, when I visit the World Bank then go to page Documents & Reports in Publication section, and because I want to continue my post before about Trade Complementarity Index and Export Specialization Index, Export Similarity Index, Export Diversification Index there is one publication on June 2007 about Trade Issues in East Asia: FTAs in Services. Then I download this e-book and read it and this e-book explain Bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs) are proliferating across the globe, fundamentally altering the governance of world trade. Many of the recently concluded FTAs are comprehensive in their coverage, seeking to not only dismantle barriers to trade in goods but also the liberalization of trade in services. What have FTAs in services actually accomplished? This paper offers an assessment of the new generation of services agreements that have been concluded in the East Asia region. Until recently, governments in this region had been hesitant to enter into bilateral or regional arrangements. Yet since the year 2000-when only one regional services agreement was in force-twenty-four agreements have been signed that include at least one party in East Asia. Additionally, around 40 FTAs are currently being negotiated in the region, which suggests an even more prominent role for FTAs in the future.
To have more information about this publication, you can visit World Bank website or just Download the PDF format
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Trade Complementarity Index

The trade complementarity (TC) index can provide useful information on prospects for intraregional trade in that it shows how well the structures of a country’s imports and exports match. It also has the attraction that its values for countries considering the formation of a regional trade agreement can be compared with others that have formed or tried to form similar arrangements. The TC between countries k and j is defined as:

TCij = 100 – sum(|mik – xij| / 2)

Where xij is the share of good i in global exports of country j and mik is the share of good i in all imports of country k. The index is zero when no goods are exported by one country or imported by the other and 100 when the export and import shares exactly match.

source : World Bank

Example : Complementarity Indices for East Asian Trade

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Export Specialization Index

The export specialization (ES) index is a slightly modified RCA index, in which the denominator is usually measured by specific markets or partners. It provides product information on revealed specialization in the export sector of a country and is calculated as the ratio of the share of a product in a country’s total exports to the share of this product in imports to specific markets or partners rather than its share in world exports:

ES = (xij/Xit) / (mkj/Mkt)

Where xij and Xit are export values of country i in product j, respectively, and where mkj and Mkt are the import values of product j in market k and total imports in market k. The ES is similar to the RCA in that the value of the index less than unity indicates a comparative disadvantage and a value above unity represents specialization in this market.

Easy to apply, Best Deal Credit Card

Have you think of all credit cards you have and you know which one is best and easy to apply for you? If you do know which one is suitable for you then you can read more about easy apply a credit card in this post. Today you can apply for a credit card online. You just have to fill a form provided by a credit card provider then the next process is just waiting to be approved. And one place you can apply a credit card online is at http://www.applyforbestcredit.com. This site provides information about credit card offers available online. They will help you to choose a suitable credit card and apply for it online. You can choose various credit cards from various providers. There are also top 10 lists of credit cards online from Capital One, Citibank, Discover, American Express, etc. This website also provide professional assistance in choosing credit cards and make an online credit card application and also various tools such as Press Room, Tips & Solution, Search. So, if you have bad credit apply for credit card now online, just visit their website and apply directly for a credit card or just ask for assistance on how to choose suitable credit cards for you.

Export Similarity Index

After previous post about Export Diversification Index , now I would like to discus shortly about Export Similarity Index.

Many countries have an unusual pattern of export specialization in relation to the rest of the world. Often, some product exports, typically manufacturing, have grown more rapidly than the average of world exports. It is not clear however to what extent these results reflect a common tendency among countries and to what extent the results are driven by the performance of individual countries. The export similarity (XS) index provides useful information on distinctive export patterns from country to country. It is defined as:

XS j,k = sum [min (Xij, Xik) * 100]

Where Xij and Xik are industry i’s export shares in country j’s and country k’s exports, which usually include a group of countries or competitors. The index varies between zero and 100, with zero indicating complete dissimilarity and 100 representing identical export composition. This measure is subject to aggregation bias (as the data are more finely disaggregated, the index will tend to fall) and hence embodies certain arbitrariness due to product choice.

Source : worldbank.org

Export Diversification Index

In this post, I just got a topic when browsing world bank website. This post will discuss shortly about Export Diversification Index. Export diversification is usually held to be important for developing countries, because many developing countries are often highly dependent on relatively few primary commodities for their export earnings. Unstable prices for these commodities may subject a developing country exporter to serious terms of trade shocks. Since the covariation in individual commodity prices is less than perfect, diversification into new primary export products is generally viewed as a positive development. The strongest positive effects are normally associated with diversification into manufactured goods, and its benefits include higher and more stable export earnings, job creation and learning effects, and the development of new skills and infrastructure that would facilitate the development of even newer export products. The export diversification (DX) index for a country is defined as:

DXj = (sum |hij – xi|) / 2

Where hij is the share of commodity i in the total exports of country j and hi is the share of the commodity in world exports. The related measure used by UNCTAD is the concentration index or Hirschman (H) index, which is calcalculated using the shares of all three-digit products in a country’s exports:

Hj = sqrt [ sum (xi/Xt)2]

Where xi is country j’s exports of product i (at the three-digit classification) and Xt is country j’s total exports. The index has been normalized to account for the number of actual three-digit products that could be exported. Thus, the maximum value of the index is 239 (the number of individual three-digit products in SITC revision 2), and its minimum (theoretical) value is zero, for a country with no exports. The lower the index, the less concentrated are a country’s exports.

More Traffic and Ranking On My Blog

As time goes by, my blog seems become increasing in ranking, either in Alexa Ranking or Google Pagerank. It takes about more than 3 months to become like this. I think, I'm very satisfied this time for my hard work to search back links and join social bookmark such as Mybloglog, Technorati, Delicious, Digg, Stumble, and the new one SocialSpark also I have joined several forums like smorty forum, or my local forum like adsense-sby. And one think is that I don't want to get rush on paid review blog, because I just want this blog to be a natural blog. I will only post a paid review not more than five reviews per month for this blog, to keep this blog have a good rating by Google.

Harmonized System

Harmonized System or HS describe commodity and coding systems. It also means an internationally standardized system of names and numbers for classifying traded products developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO) , an independent intergovernmental organization with over 170 member countries based in Brussels, Belgium.

Harmonized System or HS is usually used for :

  • Customs tariffs
  • Collection of international trade statistics
  • Rules of origin
  • Collection of internal taxes
  • Trade negotiations
  • Transport tariffs and statistics
  • Monitoring of controlled goods
  • Areas of Customs controls and procedures, including risk assessment, information technology and compliance.

For those beginner in HS system, the 2 digits of HS is normally used for general calculation of statistic of trade. The Codes have been revised through the years. So if it's necessary to reference a code related to a trade issue from even a few years ago, one has to make sure the definition set being used matches the code.

Below is a 2 digits HS code for learning


News : Is It Credit Crisis In US WIll Over

Today, I read a news on www.economist.com about credit crisis in US. It is said that Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that the worst of the credit crisis is over, according to sources who attended a speech he delivered in New York.

Greenspan also said U.S. house prices still had a long way to fall and that it was unlikely they would stabilize by year-end, according to meeting attendees who provided Reuters details of the speech at the Alternative Public Strategies Conference.

The U.S economy is reeling from a housing-led slowdown, with some analysts convinced it is already in a recession despite a 0.6 percent growth rate in the first quarter.

Need Exchange Link For Free

After long tome as blogger, I consider to do more on exchange link with other blog/site. Then for those who want to exchange link with my blog, please leave a comment and your blog/site name. then I will add your blog/site but after I check my blog site on yours. Thank you for exchange link with my blog. I will receive either a text link or a banner link exchange